The tradition in innovation, the ability to adapt and the reaction to situations such as COVID-19 have been the reasons that have led the jury of the SME of the Year Award in Álava in its fourth edition to distinguish SDA Factory with such an award in 2020.
The Award, organized by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce and Banco Santander, with the collaboration of El Correo, has delivered access to Jez Sistemas Ferroviarios for its work in internationalization; for its commitment to digitization and innovation to Oleofat Trader; for his commitment to training at BK Consulting; for his social commitment to Osoak; and for his fight against COVID-19 in the centers for the elderly to Albertia Centros Gerontológicos.
The Territorial Director of Banco Santander in the Basque Country, Patricia Arias, was the one who presented the Award to SDA Factory, which was collected by the General Director, Iñaki Castresana.
In his speech, and after congratulating the rest of the companies and thanking the organization and the jury for their final opinion in favor of SDA Factory, Castresana said that “we contextualize such a distinction and differ in decades of effort and dedication to R + D + i. Since 1977 we have been traveling that path as hard as it is exciting, as sacrificing as it is gratifying.
We have always been clear that our future lies in research, development and innovation. It is the commitment to this mix that makes us give exclusive responses to society in times of pandemic like the ones we live in.
There are 2 of our 100 patents that combined demonstrate once again our knowledge in the most innovative ironing solutions for the sanitation of our clothes, for the care of our health.
We do all this from Vitoria-Gasteiz thanks to a phenomenal team of people and the backing of our `B&B Trends Group´, which supports and drives us. This award encourages us to continue innovating, to continue being in Vitoria and to continue growing ”.
In Vitoria-Gasteiz, November 23, 2020