Due to tests carried out at the University of Navarra and at Eurecat – Technological Center of Catalonia.
It is backed by two patents that, together, allow eradicating COVID-19 from tissues. It has an efficiency of more than 99.9999999%.
Vitoria-Gasteiz already manufactures the iron that can be used on any tissue, deactivating the virus. SDA Factory (B&B Trends), manufacturer of the UFESA and DI4 brands, has managed to reconcile the recommendations of the health authorities regarding the hygiene of clothes with their care so that they are free of COVID-19 or coronavirus. “With this ironing solution it is not necessary to subject the clothes to washes at 60º, which in most cases seriously damage the fabric. Its system, supported by two patents and two studies carried out in the laboratory of the University of Navarra, and also confirmed by Eurecat – Technological Center of Catalonia, confirm that it allows ironing, either vertically or horizontally, of any fabric within a range of higher temperature and, in addition, the exclusive pulse steam ejection technology provides a higher speed of transfer of this temperature to clothing without damaging it and ending with the COVID-19 ”, they assure from the company.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends washing and disinfecting tissues at 60-90º. It is also included in the Guide to Good Practices in the work centers of the Ministry of Health, which establishes that in the case of work uniforms or similar “they will be bagged and closed, and will be transferred to the point where they are washed regularly, recommending a wash with a complete cycle at a temperature of between 60 and 90 degrees “.
However, what happens in our homes and with our street clothes? A simple look at the labels of any garment, whether for work use or not, allows us to conclude that a large majority of these do not allow washing above 30-40º, according to the express recommendation of their manufacturers, as well as the detergent producers. . What happens, therefore, if we permanently subject these garments to washes at 60º or more? Four common effects: The garment reduces its size. It fades. Fix wrinkles. If it contains elastics, they become loose. Washing clothes at a temperature of 30 ° C is not only the best option for clothes, but also avoids the enormous energy cost of washing at high temperatures. Furthermore, it is beneficial for the environment and the sustainability of the planet.
Healthy Program. University of Navarra and Eurecat
To the result thrown by the laboratory of the University of Navarra, the analysis carried out by Eurecat (Technological Center of Catalonia) is added, which also confirms that this technology eliminates the E-coli bacteria and, ultimately, Sars-CoV-2, whose temperature resistance is less than the mentioned bacteria.
The technology: ‘Healthy program’
The studies carried out also validate its indisputable effectiveness in just seconds, both in vertical and horizontal ironing without the need for direct contact with the garment. It is an accessible and available technology for both professionals, dry cleaners and the textile trade (avoiding quarantining garments and minimizing possible stock tensions), for example, and for individuals.
There are two models devised and manufactured by SDA Factory for the Di4 brand (the Di4 Jet Pressing Healthy 8b ironing center and the Vapore Stiro Healthy 3200 iron) that are already being marketed, and which incorporate two innovative patents that provide the following benefits:
Temperature range to iron any fabric and superior to any other iron on the market.
- Temperature range to iron any fabric and superior to any other iron on the market.
Research, a safe bet
The company
The SDA Factory plant (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain) has its origin in 1977. It is part of the B&B Trends group, a national company with extensive experience in the manufacture and development of small household appliances. It manufactures and sells small household appliances of the UFESA, DAGA, Zelmer and Di4 brands, as well as for other manufacturers.
In Vitoria-Gasteiz, May 2020